Indotech Analog Milli Ammeter – Analog Milli Ammeter (milliammeter) is a specialized type of ammeter designed to measure small currents in the milliampere (mA) range. It’s particularly useful when dealing with low-current circuits. The term “milliammeter” indicates that it measures current in milliampere (1 mA = 0.001 A). These instruments are commonly used in electronics, laboratories, research, and electronic circuit testing. Their sensitivity allows accurate readings even for tiny currents. So, the next time you encounter a delicate electronic circuit, remember the trusty analog milliammeter.

 ‘‘INDOTECH’’ Analaog Milli Ammeter have been found indespensible by Laboratories and Industrial Houses. All the components used in the manufacture of the instruments are selective and are designed to ensure long term accuracy and service. All parts/sub-assemblies are throughly inspected and gauged at all stages with utmost care by experts. analog milliammeter, analog milli ammeter


  1. Analog milliammeters display the current reading using a mechanical pointer on a scale.
  2. Digital milliammeters provide a numerical readout on a digital display.
  3. Some multimeters have a dedicated milliammeter function.


  1. Milliammeters are commonly found in electronic test equipment, such as multimeters and analog panel meters.
  2. They are used for tasks like measuring current through resistors, components, or specific sections of a circuit.
  3. In electronic design and troubleshooting, milliammeters help verify proper current flow and diagnose faults.


Meters are available for the measurement of mV, V,mA & A, KV meters are calibrated in terms of PT ratio & high range ammeters in terms of CT ratio.


1. Mode l s SR72/MR72, SR96/MR96 & SR144/MR144 have changeable dial for different CT Ratios in case of Moving Iron Meters and different FSD for Shunt operated meters in case of Moving Coil Meters of 90′ movements.

2. Dials for 240° movement meters are not changeable. analog milliammeter, analog milli ammeter analog milliammeter, analog milli ammeters

Purpose and Measurement:

  • A milliammeter is specifically calibrated to measure currents in the milliampere range (typically from 0 mA to a few hundred milliamperes).
  • It is commonly used in electronic circuits, laboratories, and various applications where precise current measurements are necessary.

TESTS : Following tests are performed as per BIS 1248-03

VIBRATION TESTThe meters are subjected to vibrations. This test ensures that if there is any loose component, it will be detected before the meter is passed.
LIFE TESTThe meter is subjected from zero to full scale and the counter meter records the number of operations.
OVER LOAD TESTThe meter is over loaded 120% of its rated capacity for 2 hours.
HIGH VOLTAGE BREAKDOWN TESTThe meter should withstand 2kV, AC, if applied between electrical circuit and any metallic point of the meter for 1 minute.
INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTBIS1248-03 specifies that the insulation resistance should be above 5 mega ohms. The test is performed accordingly.
ACCURACY TESTThe accuracy test is performed as per BIS 1248-03.The error is calculated on the basis of full scale deflection of the meter.

Product Design and Planning


Component Sourcing and Procurement


Testing and Quality Control


Final Assembly and Integration