Indotech Analog kVA Meter: Analog kVA Meter is measure the apparent power of AC devices in kilovolt-amperes (KVA). Apparent power is the combination of a circuit’s true power and reactive power. True power is the actual power dissipated in a circuit. Reactive power or imaginary power indicates how a reactive load drops voltage and draws current, but does not actually dissipate power. Analog kVA Meter, kVA Meter, kVA Analog Meter
1. DYNAMO METER TYPE : Current Coil & Volt Coil interact to give direct reading on dial.
2. TRANSDUCER TYPE : Electronic Transducer gives signal in terms of DC micro amps to moving coil DC meter which gives reading proportional to the signal. Analog kVA Meter, kVA Meter, kVA Analog MeterAnalog kVA Meter, kVA Meter, kVA Analog Meter
Output options, display type, and approvals are additional considerations when selecting Analog kVA Meter. Common output options include binary coded decimal (BCD), digital-to-analog (D/A), universal serial bus (USB), general-purpose interface bus (GPIB), and RS-232. Display types are designated as analog. Analog kVA Meter, kVA Meter, kVA Analog Meter
ACCURACY : Class 1.0 as per ISS 1248/03.
SCALE : Almost linear from 1/10 to full scale in case of kVA.
- Single element type for single phase A.C. measurements.
- Single element type for 3 phase balanced load.
- Elements type for 3 phase 3 wire balanced & unbalanced loads.
- Elements type for 3 phase, 4 wire balanced & unbalanced loads.
RANGE : Current 1A or 5A & voltage upto 600V with internal resistance. Higher ranges with CT’s & PT’s
Note : 1. 72 x 72 kW meter is available with extra transducer box.